06 July 2008

Update on No-Name

We decided to call the dog Genie, mainly because I got tired of (a)rattling off names only to be shot down and (b)saying "No, you may not call the dog Nugget." Genie had been the last name we had all kind of liked, and it seemed cute, so it was done.

Then we spent Friday and Saturday down in Cave Spring at my uncle's pool on a two-day bender with roughly 400 other people. Genie was a huge hit and for two straight days she was held and petted and loved on and spoiled rotten. Naturally people were asking her name and we would say Genie and the response would be "Oh, like I Dream of Jeannie or Genie in a Bottle?" Honestly that never came to my mind when we named her and I had no idea that question would come up repeatedly (like 10 times an hour for two days).  After hearing Haley explaining to some stranger that it was "Genie after Gene Simmons because they both have long tongues and my mama likes that." I realized we were going to have to come up with something else. Oh, and also that we needed to have a talk with Haley about a little thing called "context" which I don't think she's grasped yet.

Today Scott mentioned that he didn't like the name Genie, that it didn't seem to fit the dog at all, and we needed to name her something different. I ageed with all this, Genie didn't really work, but I couldn't remember any of the other names that I liked last week so now the dog's name is Heidi. Or, if you are Skylar, it's Hi-Bee. Either way it seems to work better than Genie did, but I can't promise I won't change it again.  

My little Puddin'     

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