25 August 2008

I say "Johnson!" You say "Wildcats!"

There is without a doubt a very very special place in heaven for anybody that has ever had anything to do with peewee football.  I like to think I have patience.  You know, like when I'm trying to have a little alone time with my blog and all sorts of kids want to ask me silly questions about some of the dumbest stuff imaginable, and I can't think about what I'm writing because they just keep talking and talking and my entire paragraph turns into a huge run-on sentence?  Note to all kids out there:  Whoever said there is no such thing as a stupid question was lying to you.  But really, I don't have the patience for what I saw this weekend.  No way.  Trying to capture and hold 30 or so 7 year olds' attention is not for me.  Those adults were trying, but I bet you there are kids that played football Saturday that have no idea who they played, if they won, or how they got home.  So there must be an awesome neighborhood for those people waiting just beyond the pearly gates.  And I will totally be content on the next street over.  Anyway, Saturday was the jamboree here and the mighty Johnson Wildcats played two back-to-back half games and Haley cheered.  I have no idea of the final score of either game, but I'm pretty sure we lost the first one.  The second one is a toss up.  

When we lived in Texas we would go watch Austin Ludwigsen play football.  Those people out in Texas are really serious about their football and I was amazed at the level of intensity they had 5th grade boys playing at.  Parents were getting in fights and everything, so, you know, it was really fun to attend.

I knew I was in trouble while I was standing between the fields waiting on my aunt Joan to get there and I saw gobs of parents decked out head to toe in Johnson colors, which happen to be bright ass royal blue and bright ass gold.  I'm not even lying, Haley's cheerleading outfit glows in the dark.  Then I watched a little of the game and boy are those coaches tough on those little kids.  There is yelling, lots of yelling, and there are tears from the kids and angry mothers in the stands.

The cheerleaders were cute, all 33 of them, even though they did not wear their uniforms because everybody doesn't have theirs yet.  I had been skeptical of this adventure, because when we were in Texas and the girls did the Supersquad thing Haley didn't really seem to care about it and instead used the hour they were at practice for socializing.  However, I was pleasantly surprised at the game.  Let me tell you something:  This is what Haley was born to do.  She was totally in her element and she had the time of her life.  I don't know how long it will last, and maybe she'll decide in a year of so she doesn't want to do it anymore, but as long as she wants to do it I'm going to let her, because she was maybe the happiest I've ever seen her.         
Whenever she wasn't cheering she had a huge smile on her face.  I don't know how her cheeks didn't cramp up.
#1 with an attitude!

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