27 February 2006

My newest pride and joy

Ashlyn has asthma. She is also extremely susceptible to bronchitis. This may or may not have something to do with her being sick when she was born. Anyway, with both cats and a dog we have a lot of hair and dander in the house. I vacuum every other day, but it just never seems clean here. After researching vacuum cleaners on the internet for some time, we went out Sunday to Sears and bought a Dyson DC 14 Animal. They are quite pricey, but they are supposed to be one of the best, and you have to ask yourself...do I really need Lasik, or do my kids need to breathe? It has a lifetime hepa filter and is recommended by the allergy people and all that. We brought it home and Scott put it together while I first vacuumed with our current vacuum cleaner, which is a Hoover. Then I used the Dyson (it's PURPLE!!). In the second picture you can see just how much extra nastiness the Dyson picked up that my vacuum missed. I was absolutely shocked and disgusted. It's no wonder Ashlyn has a hard time breathing! After we took Haley to school this morning we came home and Owen and I vacuumed all the furniture and the baseboards. I am also going to buy an attachment that will do our mattresses. Hopefully this will help everyone, not just Ashlyn, breathe healthier!

I cannot believe my vacuum missed all this!!!

1 comment:

Becky said...

I wish I could afford one...it is a constant battle around here with the two dogs!