19 February 2006

"R" is for Rodeo

Friday Haley's preschool had a rodeo. For those of you who remember, Haley was Jessie from Toy Story for Halloween, so she was excited when they said wear cowboy clothes. The kids were also supposed to bring a stick horse and it just so happens she got one this year from Santa, so she took that. Honestly, at the beginning of the rodeo I thought to myself Gee I wish Scott could have gotten off work to come see this. However by the end I was thinking Gee I'm glad Scott didn't get off work to see this. It was cute and at times hilarious, but that's about it. I must add that I have never seen that many pairs of Wrangler jeans in one place before except for that time we went to that bar in Knoxville and Chris Hennessee got on this stage and--on second thought, I'll save that story and put it on here the day after never.

All the kids paraded in riding their horses. Haley managed to pull her cowgirl hat as far down as she possibly could. Maybe subconsciously she was embarrassed...no, wait, maybe that was me...

Haley's class did the costume race. Two children raced down and put on a hat, a neckerchief and some chaps and then raced back.

Haley would have won, but as she was about halfway there her chaps suddenly slid down over her nonexistant hips and butt to her ankles, which slowed her down considerably.

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