27 February 2006

You explain it to her!

Haley is inquisitive. It's odd the way her mind works.

"Mommy, why does Tigger lick his bottom?"

"That's how cats take a bath."

"Well...where does he keep the soap?"

"He doesn't use soap."

"I have to use soap."

"You're a person, not a cat."

"How does he get clean if he doesn't use soap?"

"He has a special tongue that cleans his hair."

"But if he doesn't use soap then he will stink."

"I don't think cats sweat, so they don't stink."

"Well...when he licks off the dirt where does it go?"

-This is where I totally lost interest in the conversation...probably because I didn't really know the answers-

"I guess it goes in his body and then it comes out when he goes to the bathroom."

"OOOHHH, so THAT'S what happens to the stink!"

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