14 April 2007

A Look Back

In light of Haley's recent ear incident, I decided to go back and reminisce about some of the past injuries my children have sustained that make applying for child life insurance all the more interesting.

This was July 2002. Haley has 1 1/2. In Mililani, Hawaii we had these huge rocks in the yard. I would always say "Don't play with those rocks." but because I am stupid and my children know more than I know they played with them and this was the result.
This was May 2005. Again, I would always say "Don't jump on the bed." Of course I know absoutely nothing so they jumped on the bed and Haley broke her arm right above the midway point on her upper arm (which is a spot that cannot be casted) so we got a cool sling with dinosaurs on it (we had no choice in the sling pattern).
Here I said "We have two bathrooms, there's no need to race to the one in the hall." I mean, why do I even bother opening my mouth and wasting my breath? Ashlyn and Haley ran, raced, and Ashlyn won (I have to admit she is almost abnormally speedy) and went to slam the door and Haley ran into the door with her face. Result: 5 stitches, inserted into her head while she was awake and screaming in the ER.
This one I was not present for. Unfortunately, neither was her teacher, who was supposed to be supervising P.E. Ashlyn fell off the monkey bars. We got to stay in the ER from 3:00 pm to 1 am when they put her so sleep to set the bone. Then she and I got to spend the night in the hospital.
I'm not saying I know it all. Far from it. I don't claim to know much, but after a very bad incident involving my brother and I marble chess set AND the above mentioned mishap involving Haley and a sling I do know you should never, ever jump on a bed. Too bad Haley and Owen didn't believe me when I told them it wasn't a good idea and they should stop immediately. If they had it would have saved me another trip to the ER and it would have saved Owen from having to have his face glued back together.

As you could probably guess, I look forward to each coming day with the same anticipation as hearing the words "Congratulations, you're going to have a baby!"


Anonymous said...

Wow. i am impressed, girl. i think the only reason Joe has not spent time in the ER is because his head is so hard- it's crazy. it used to weigh him down as a baby so he fell...alot. like, one time at 7mos he fell outtah the bouncy seat from the kitchen table onto the hard tile. because i am a moron of a mother and forgot to strap him in. i'm also a douche bag for having a baby in a bouncy seat on the kitchen table not strapped in..anyways, i digress. this post was a trip, man.

Pack said...

At least when our kid gets here and gets injured I'll know where to look to figure out if it is a serious injury or not. "Quick...check the Starr's BLOG to see if we have to go to the ER"

Amy said...

Ok, your post is funny, but so are your friends' comments. I need to come here more often when I get frustrated with my kids or bored with homeschooling. This is definitely better than Oprah.