29 April 2007

Miss Sally

Owen, Skylar and I picked up Miss Sally in Abilene Friday. She did well on the car ride home, however Skylar cried the whole way. For 1 1/2 hours. The whole time. I was afraid the dog was going to be a nervous wreck by the time we got home and would definitely need some xanax or something. We stopped by the company to show Scott and while we were there LTC Chester came out, saw the dog, and asked "Wow, did you think you needed something else to do? Isn't 4 kids already enough?" I told him that Owen alone was more than enough for me and I was hoping that Sally would be more than enough for Owen. That's what we need right? An energetic little puppy to sap Owen's energy. Right? A Boxer for heaven's sake. One of the most hyper dogs out there. Right?

We got home and put Owen and Miss Sally in the backyard. They proceeded to run 200 laps around the trampoline in tandem.
This is what Owen did to the dog. Now does anyone have any questions as to why I am currently setting up a savings account for military school? The dog actually stood beside the crate and cried to be let in...

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