08 June 2008

Army Ball 2008

Saturday night Scott and I went to the Army Ball.  Again.  This is the third one we've been to here in San Angelo and they just keep getting better and better.  And I'm not just saying that because Scott is in charge of planning the thing.  This year we had a great table with us, the Jumpers, the Irwins, and Brian Lemaster.  Conversation was interesting, with oddly enough a lot of it focusing on boobs, but there's a big reason for that, one I won't go into right now.  I was also part of a horribly uncomfortable conversation about vasectomies, and I'm not getting into that simply because I don't want to re-live it.  EVER.      

The speaker was Pete Schoomaker,  and I even got my picture made with him.  Morgan has those because I didn't take my camera, and I'm waiting for her to email them to me and then I'll add them.  Pete is a pretty awesome dude, and he totally grabbed my butt right before our picture was taken.

Here are some shots of Scott and me before we left for all the fun.  Oh, and I have to say thanks to Hannah and Judy for shipping me Hannah's prom dress a couple of weeks ago so I'd have a dress to wear.  I don't know if I'm more excited about the fact that it was free or the fact that it fit.  Oh, who am I kidding.  We ALL know which one I'm more excited about.      

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