23 June 2008

Straight out of Pottery Barn Kids

This week the girls are both doing a half-day basketball camp down at Shorter College, where it all began years ago, "it" being this illustrious love affair that Scott and I continue to live.  Last week Ashlyn did the full-day camp and loved it, so then Haley decided she wanted to play basketball and go to this week's camp, but only if Ashlyn would go and hold her hand the entire time.  So they went this morning, and when we picked them up Haley said it was great fun and she made four baskets.  

When they are not participating in basketball camps down at the College O' Love Ashlyn and Haley spend most of their time arguing.  There is so much arguing Scott actually drug them both out of WalMart the other night and when they all came back 10 minutes later they were both sniveling and looking sorry for themselves.  They also have been busy decorating their room down in the basement.  I should have known they were up to something when Ashlyn came and asked me if I knew where any tape was, but I was busy folding clothes and didn't really pay it any mind.  Later I went down in the basement and almost passed out.  They only had one magazine but they managed to cover almost two full walls with pictures of various Disney stars.  They also used two full rolls of scotch tape.  So now the plan is for me to never go down into the basement again. 

Skylar is being her usual self-amazingly charming when surrounded by other members of the family but a total whiner when it's just us.  Her newest words are tree and 'kay.  She especially likes to point and yell everytime she sees a tree, and I don't think I have to tell you that since we now live in Georgia there is quite a bit of pointing and yelling being done.  Also, anytime you tell her anything she responds with 'kay!  Which is immeasurably better than her last response, NO!  Tree and 'kay join a growing list of words she likes to throw around which includes (but is not limited to) drink, bye-bye, mama, daddy, hay-yee, more, stinky, and beer.   

Owen has been passing the time playing the wii wii.  I like to call it the wii wii instead of the wii because it's a little annoying.  Hey everybody, let's play the wii wii!  Okay, it's a lot annoying, and also stupid, but it's definitely catching on, because now O will say "Hey Daddy, do you want to play the Wii Wii Wii All The Way Home with me?, which is not annoying at all.  On the contrary it's quite hilarious.  (FYI-for the first three years of her life when asked "What does a pig say?" Ashlyn would tell you wee wee wee.)  Owen has gotten in on this whole room decorating thing also, but too bad for him the girls only let him have one picture.  This no doubt makes Scott happy because one time we were shopping and I started putting crib bedding into the buggy and Scott was all "What is all that for?" and I told him it was for Owen's room.  The bedding was blue with bears playing different sports and I said I had thought he'd want to do a sports' theme for O's room, since he was a boy and all.  And Scott was actually shocked that I would do a "theme" in a baby boy's room.  "You don't do a theme and decorate for a boy," he said, "you put up posters."  I stood there waiting for him to say ha ha I'm only kidding and he didn't, so I gave him an exasperated look and then I bought the bedding.  Posters.  Honestly.  

Anyway, here is a picture of Owen's room that he decorated all by himself.  I have absolutely no idea how he managed this, nor do I want to know.  I just roll with the punches around here.


lucinda said...

if Owen got that picture that high up, maybe he should be the one at basketball camp.

Anonymous said...

it's great to see that my kids aren't the only one that are monkey's! joysarapa@yahoo.com