16 June 2008

Army Ball pictures (part 2)

I told you I had more pictures from the ball and Morgan finally came through and emailed them to me.  It took a while because she is super busy running the FRG since I am no longer there to do it.  *sniff*  NOT REALLY.
So here we have (l-r) Morgan, Ryan, Precious, Will, Scott and Me.  Note Morgan's red harlot dress.  H-O-T!  I, on the other hand, wear black.  Black is a very slenderizing color.  One day, when Morgan has had four kids, or even one kid, she will embrace the color black and love it as much as I love it.  She will be drawn to black clothes, much like I am, and she will try to buy black swimsuits, and her husband will pout and say "But why don't you buy a red one?  I like red ones,"  and she will give him the same look I give Scott.  And then she will compromise and buy the navy one.  
Moving on...
Precious, Morgan, and Me.  Precious strategically placed Morgan in the center saying something about black on the sides and red in the middle and balancing and all that.  We all know it was so Morgan was directly facing the camera and Precious and I could give more of a side view, which is more appealing in photos.  Then, realizing that no matter what position we put Morgan in she would still look the best, Precious decided to try to block her from the picture with her nursing boobs.  Seriously, do you see anything in this picture besides Precious' boobs?  I mean, I sort of see a red dress, but I CAN'T LOOK AWAY...  
Scott and I with Pete.  My eyes are huge in this picture.  Why?  Because right as Ryan was about to take it I was all Holy Crap Pete's hand is resting casually on my lower waist!  And Scott is just standing there smiling for the picture and has no idea that Holy Crap Pete is touching my lower waist!
Then, Pete said maybe we wanted to get a picture in front of the Army seal.  This totally let me know he liked Scott and I best of all the people there because I ended up standing relatively close to him for a while and got to watch several photo ops with other people and he didn't mention this to any of them.  And no, I was not stalking him, but LTC Chester (who was staying extra close to Pete) was standing on the hem of my dress so I couldn't walk away at will.    
Lastly, Scott and the little LT, Aaron Broussard (pronounced Boo-SHAY).  HAHA Just kidding.  Yes, he looks like he's about 16 but really I think he's at least 21.  He's from Louisiana and he brought yummy gumbo to Owen's birthday party.  He also brought beer, so that's why I think he's at least 21.  

By the by, I don't want to talk about how the move is going.  It has involved broken things, lost things, children throwing up in the middle of IHOP in front of all the other diners, and diarrhea.  Lots and lots of diarrhea.  So you may think you want to know about it, but trust me. You don't. 

1 comment:

lucinda said...

You know what happened.... Ya'll came to Rome and caught "the virus". The hug the toilet and puke virus followed by the sit on the toilet and shit for 3 days virus. Yep, that's the one and ya'll were probably the only people who haven't recently had it and it was just waiting on you all so it could infect someone else. We all had it about 3 weeks ago. I lost 5 lbs while I had it. It was not all that bad because of that. Speaking of broken things while moving.... You'd think if your job was that of "professional mover" you'd know not to just drop boxes down on the floor. I about had a heart attack when we moved b/c the movers were such dip sticks and kept dropping boxes like they'd never done anything like moving stuff around before.