14 May 2007

Gettin' all fancy

Owen has now discovered the opening on the front of his underwear. He calls it his "pocket". His underwear! They have a pocket! A pocket! Right in the front! Do you see my pocket?! In my underwear?! It's right here! Right in front! A pocket for my....

--Now here's where I'm going to show a teensy bit of decency and not repeat the exact word he uses, because, well, my mother reads this website and there's really no need to put extra stress on her heart and all that because I'm pretty sure all my ramblings about tequila does that enough. So anyway, Owen's word for his privates rhymes with, um, alley-backer. And before you judge know that I have heard boys call it much worse (Karin!) and the best way for me to get through the day is to pick my battles and my sheet is already full. Plus, who wants a little wimpy kid who calls it a wee wee or hoo hoo or some other name that's only going to get him beat up when he's 10 and discussing it in the bathroom at school?--

Where was I? Oh yes... A pocket! Right here in the front! A pocket for my (rhymes with alley-backer)!!

Well then Scott showed him how to actually use the pocket and you could tell by the look on his face that he truly feels his life is better now, somehow. He is now all fancy and does not pull his underwear down when he just has to go #1, and here's a picture to prove it (as decency flies right out the window). This does not, sadly, help him AT ALL with his aiming ability, which I'm told will pretty much never get any better.


Becky said...

A very impressive stream! I am told that "rhymes with alley-backer" used to be Luke's choice of terminology too...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you haven't discussed with him the importance of lifting the seat while using his #1! With all the girls in that house he will surely learn quickly. Love ya'll....Uncle Tom. PS-Hey "O"....tell the girls the seat also goes up when they finish!

Anonymous said...

Somehow, I feel that my life is now better knowing that Will is not the only little boy with terrible aim. Needless to say, we use a lot of lysol wipes these days.

Anonymous said...

oh, I meant to also say that Owen still seems to have much better aim than Will.

Anonymous said...

yeah, my husband STILL calls his that.. :)
awesome shot of owen peeing, girl.
genius photography right there!!

Amy said...

I can assure you the aim never, ever, ever gets better. The only revenge you'll ever get is when they are a little older and you can start making them clean their own bathrooms!

Chris said...

That is SO funny! I totally emailed this link to my hubby for a laugh. I'm screwed if we have a boy next!!! I have to agree with Katie there girl...great photography!