09 May 2007

The Tooth

This is going to be really weird, but here goes...

Everyone knows we had a birthday party for Owen on Saturday, April 28th. You've all seen the pictures here and here. Well, there is a tooth at my house that needs to be claimed. I KNOW, I throw GREAT parties!!

See, Haley lost her tooth earlier that day. That night after the party Haley Ludwigsen spent the night. That night the Tooth Fairy couldn't find Lucy Toof because the girls had it somewhere in the bed with them buried under the covers instead of in the window sill, where it is easily and quietly accessible. So the next morning Haley whined because she didn't get any money and Scott told her it was probably because she had Lucy Toof in the wrong place and blah blah blah put it in the window so your mother or I the Tooth Fairy can find it.

Sunday night as Haley was going to bed she mentioned that she was excited because she was going to get $2 from the Tooth Fairy. I asked why and she told me that Haley Ludwigsen had lost a tooth the night before and since she didn't take it home with her Haley would get her money too. I KNOW, I raise GOOD-HEARTED children. All for one and one for all! Yeah, not in this house. Anyway...

I told Haley she could not sell someone else's tooth the the Tooth Fairy and I took the tooth. And forgot about it. Until the next week when I was cleaning off the computer desk and saw it. This past Saturday we went to a Hail and Farewell dinner and I mentioned to Haley Ludwigsen's mother, Kelly, that I had Haley's tooth. (I know this is very confusing because they are both named Haley, but such is my life-you're going to have to get past it) Kelly looked confused and then said Haley hadn't lost a tooth. I argued with her and this went on for several minutes before we agreed to go home, check all our kids' teeth and call each other. Well, turns out it's not Haley Ludwigsen's tooth. I guess my Haley was rubbing off on her and she decided to cash in on someone else's loss and claimed it. Or my Haley could have been lying. Which is a strong possibility.

Okay, so now I have this tooth sitting here beside my computer screen. Looking at me. And I don't know what to do with it because no one will own up to it. ATTENTION KARIN-I know it belongs to one of your kids and you are doing this to totally freak me out!! So please, if you were at my house on Saturday, April 28th and you have a child please check his or her mouth and see if he or she is missing a tooth. Then, even if you don't see any tooth missing, ask him or her if it is their tooth.

Oh, and "Ha! Ha! let's mess with the obsessive compulsive Jennifer and rearrange her picture frames!" Well whoever did that has an ass-kicking coming their way!


Anonymous said...

I am not claiming that tooth.. It's on you to find the owner.. No missing teeth here.. But will take the tooth fairy money if you would like to send it...Karin

Chris said...

That is SO weird...and funny. Good luck on your quest!