23 May 2007

No rest for the weary

Skylar is in the process of getting her first tooth, and let me tell you, she's taking her sweet time with it. I thought she may be teething because she spends the majority of her awake time either screaming her fool head off or cramming her fist into her mouth.

Then came the diaper rash.

Then came the end of all sleep as we know and love it.

This weekend was a screamfest with huge cryfests thrown in to break up the monotony of it all. She won't eat, she won't sleep, she doesn't want to be held, but she doesn't want to be by herself. I could go on and on about all the things she doesn't want to do, but it would be much easier to just list the things she does want to do. There are two of them. She either wants to be outside sitting on the swing or she wants to be watching Baseball Tonight. That's it. So naturally if it rains, as it does so often this time of year in West Texas, we are screwed. And once Baseball Tonight goes off and it's too dark to sit on the swing (if it's not raining) we are screwed.

And all for what? For this. One little tooth. The first of 20 little teeth that will all grow in her mouth between now and the time she is two. Each day spent with Skylar brings joy, joy like we have never known. Can you tell?


Anonymous said...

You can record Baseball Tonight on your DVR and just put it on a continuous loop. To be safe, record it in both rooms!

Anonymous said...

I can so relate to your plight. Joe cried and fussed for the first 7 months or so. Nothing made him happy.Except 3am rides in the car around the neighborhood. My heart used to leap for joy at the mere thought of getting out of bed in the middle of the nite and roaming the neighborhood in my pajamas in the dead of winter with freakshow strapped in the back. I thought I was losing my damn mind.