15 April 2008

I wish that's what they were

(driving past Fort Concho, you know, where they are housing all of them)

"Hey look!  Polygamists!"

"What?  Where?"

"Over there by that building."

"Who?  Those women with the long dresses on?"


"Mama, that's not the right word."


"You're using the wrong word.  You said polygamist.  I mean, I don't know what a polygamist is, but they aren't polygamists."

"Well then what are they?"

"Can't you tell?  Look at them!  They're pioneers!


lucinda said...

OMG! That is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait until you and your little comedians get to Rome!!! Too bad nothing as exciting as pioneers happens here, although we do have some Quakers in town now. Love you and can't wait to see you!