08 April 2008

Our weekend

Friday of last week I took Owen and Skylar and met Precious (the Bravo Company Commander's wife) for lunch. I'll just say that Owen was extremely well behaved and Skylar acted like a total idiot. Afterwards we went to Hastings to buy a Veggie Tales DVD (we wanted this but ended up with this) and after that we went to Tuesday Morning. I bought Owen two little soccer goals and an inflatable ball to play with in the backyard. Well, we got home and it was crap. It looked like at any minute they were just gonna fall apart. Owen was very disappointed so we promised him we'd get another one that was at least halfway decent and Saturday afternoon we lucked out and found an inexpensive better one at Academy. Now my kids don't play soccer, have never played soccer, don't know the rules to soccer, etc. But they were really excited about this goal for some reason and I wanted something to keep them outside and away from me, so all in all it worked out great.

Scott put the goal together with minimal help from me, meaning I read the directions quietly to myself off to the side of the yard while he did the work and I didn't say anything or touch anything. He did let me help with the net though, wow, and we only had to redo one side. Then he staked it into the ground up against our fence. The sun was setting and we decided it was not good to have it right in the sun like that because Ashlyn was having to play goalie like this:

Which meant that whenever someone kicked it they had a good chance at getting it past her being that her eyes were closed and all. Haley is usually not very competitive, she could take it or leave it pretty much, but her ability to get the ball past Ashlyn brought about lots of taunting and trash talking. So Ashlyn started yelling at Haley about "just wait until it's your turn to be the goalie" and then Scott yelled at everybody that he was going to take it apart and take it back to the store.

Then I began to worry that someone was going to get nailed in the face by the ball because they couldn't see well enough to defend themselves. So Scott moved it to the opposite side of the yard. I don't remember exactly what was happening when I took this picture but by the look on Scott's face it's safe to say he was yelling again.

Now this picture pretty much sums up Haley's athletic ability. Notice the ball is below knee level and then notice the amount of flinching she is doing. Also, Owen is standing off to the side worrying himself to pieces that Haley is going to get hurt.

And here's an action shot taken after Scott convinced Owen that he should be playing and not "standing over there like a girl." Haley is not involved in the action in any way, she's faking it.


Anonymous said...

It's funny how you have a whole family of Jolly Green Giants and how mine is all Oompa Loompas. Maybe when Owen and Arden get together they can break this sad cycle for me!

Brian Bojo said...

Soccer is a great game...Uncle Brian is happy to show them the rules sometime...though it looks like rules might take away some of the fun!

Anonymous said...

I have that T-Shirt!