02 August 2008

Because we were due

Spent a little bit of time at the ER tonight.  It's been a while and all, but you know, it all comes right back to you the minute you walk through those sliding doors and the lady looks up and before she can even open her mouth you yell in a calm, controlled panic "HER ARM IS BROKEN!"

I found out tonight there are three ways you can be absolutely sure you get to jump to the front of the line at the ER:
1.  Be bleeding profusely
2.  Be throwing up
3.  Come in with a "visible deformity" on your body a.k.a. "having a wrist bone where there should be no wrist bone" (which is the option we chose)

We are currently sporting a splint but that will most likely be upgraded to a hard cast on Monday, or whenever I can get Ashlyn in to see the bone doctor person.  I don't have a picture of her right now because she was pretty upset and didn't want me to take one, and oh I don't know, I figured this was probably one of the times I should indulge her.  I also took pity on her while we were waiting on the tylenol with codeine prescription to be filled and let her pick out three of those teeny-bop magazines she likes so much.  Then I took her to Wendy's and bought her a milkshake.  I felt so bad for her I would have gotten her more stuff but it was after 10pm and my options were limited.  

Several things to note:
1.  Broken bones cause mass hysteria.
2.  My father is deaf and cannot hear his cell phone when it rings.
3.  An awful lot of policemen hang out at the ER on Friday nights. 
4.  Thank God it wasn't the hand she writes with.
5.  What goes around comes around, and boy oh boy does Owen have it coming. 


Amy said...

Poor, poor Ashlyn! I feel so bad for her and my only thoughts were sweet and pitiful until I got to #5 about Owen. Then I couldn't help but laugh.

Pack said...

You know, we use your blog to figure out how to handle medical emergencies.