05 August 2008

My attempt at being an optimist

Because I'm such a big copycat I decided to take a look at the site were Lucinda got her new layout and yeah, I changed mine too.  But really, what else do I have to do?  

Besides cook, clean the dishes, take out the trash, bathe people, wash hair, dress people, wash clothes, sweep, mop, dust, fold clothes, pick up toys, explain that we are all too old to be running around the house naked, put gas in the car, take the dog to the vet, take Ashlyn to the orthopedic doctor, go to the dentist, get dentist appointments for all the kids, call the exterminator about the ant problem we seem to be having, take people to the ER, take everybody to school, try to get people to understand that school is everyday and they need to suck it up and QUIT CRYING FOR GOD'S SAKE, pick everybody up from school, take the dog outside to potty every hour, change poopy diapers, get groceries, pay bills, balance the checkbook, explain again that if you are naked you should not come out of the bathroom without a towel wrapped securely around you, put away the clean clothes that people just threw on their closet floor, argue the plus side of taking a shower, check homework, sign everybody's folders, listen to people read, clean the litter box, try to keep the cat from eating all the dog food, get people re-dressed when they somehow get the lid off the stupid sippy cup, try to find all the shoes that the dog carries off, fix people snacks, break up arguments, delegate over the wii, scream at people that I'M GOING TO GET THE WOODEN SPOON IF YOU DON'T STOP, put on bandaids, dry hair, brush hair, fix hair, and explain that sorry, even though Daddy is gone we are still not getting a hamster or a bunny.  It's me against them, and I think they may be winning. 

So I decided to change the look of my blog.  Really, I've got all the time in the world.  I'm bursting with time.  I've got time coming out of my ears.  I'm covered up in time.  And the glass is also half full.  


The Layne Family said...

Hey Jennifer! I found your blog from Lucinda's. Girl! I know you are so very busy! If you ever need help, let me know! Seriously, Jacob is at school all day everyday and Olivia will be in preschool M-Th starting next week. So, if you need help, I'm available! Or, if you need adult conversation...we can do lunch. :o)

Midge said...

So, what is the site to get the cool layouts? Also- margaritas help and you will win- stand tall while they are looking and take long calgon moments when they are not looking.