01 August 2008

School, Day One, Recap

Today was the first day of school for Ashlyn, Haley and Owen here in Georgia.  It was brought to my attention today by Becca that school in Texas doesn't start until sometime around the 25th.  To that I say hahaha my kids are gone all day every day and you still have yours for three more weeks!  

Last night Brian and Jenny kept all our kids while Scott and I went out to dinner by ourselves, just grown-ups, with no children sitting with us, kicking us, wasting food that we paid good money for, spilling their drinks on my leg.  We got back to their house about 8 and it took 30 minutes to get them all out of there and in the car because turns out Brian and Jenny are SO MUCH FUN.  I don't know what all went on over there but Aggie met us at the door and was all THANK GOD THIS ISN'T PERMANENT.  

We got home and they picked out their clothes, brought them to me for approval, and then got in bed.  I was pretty pleased that we managed to have them all in bed by 9 or so because I didn't want them to be whiny on the first day because they were tired.  Then Scott and I didn't go to bed until midnight because we had episodes of Project Runway and Shear Genius to watch on the tivo.  At 12:15 I went to bed and shortly before 2 Skylar decided that it was time to do her thing where she doesn't sleep, she just yells and cries all night.  Scott went in at 3, 3:30, and 4 and that was when Skylar got a spanking.  

Scott was not allowed to be involved with the morning activities today in any way, because it would have gone much smoother and that would just be like a big teaser.  My schedule worked perfectly today.  Alarm at 6, hit snooze, get up at 6:10.  Get in the shower, get out and get dressed.  Wake up the girls, dry my hair while they get dressed and eat breakfast.  Get Owen up (this is where I almost hit a snag but I managed to just dress him while he was asleep and by the time I finished he was awake).  Wake up Skylar and eat breakfast with her while Haley takes Heidi outside to go potty.  Dress Skylar, brush my teeth, get in the car and go.  We left at exactly 7:25 and made it to the girls' school before 7:40.  They jumped out and ran in without incident and we left for Owen's school.

It took 11 minutes to get to the pre-K and we all got out and went inside (meaning Scott, me, Skylar and Owen).  We got inside and that's when Owen had his meltdown.  He cried and cried and begged me to take him home and the farther I got from him the louder he got.  And all the kids were sitting at the table looking scared out of their minds, like, Oh my God look how upset he is...WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN INTO?  So we left him standing there screaming and made a break for it.

After we left the pre-K we went by WalMart because it's right across the street and we needed milk.  It turns out that at 8am there is NOBODY at WalMart and we didn't even have to stand in line to check out, which I think was the first time that's ever happened to me.  We got home and shortly after that Skylar went to sleep, probably because she was still tired from being up half the night, so it was just me and Scott.  And you know what we were able to do with no kids around?  We were able to watch 4 hours of back-to-back Maury and Jerry Springer with no interruptions.  It was like heaven.

When we picked up Owen he said he loved school, that he couldn't wait to come back, that he had three friends already (that were BOYS) and that he got a star sticker because he took a good nap.  He doesn't know the names of his friends, but he does have two boys in his class named Ross and Chandler that sit at his table so I'm hoping they are two of them.

The girls get out at 2:50 and we made it to the pick-up line at 2:44.  I thought we were doing good until I saw the line reached all the way around the school, down the hill, and out onto the road.  Ashlyn and Haley got in the car at exactly 3:20.  During the time we were waiting Owen watched Happy Gilmore and Skylar said MAMA!!!! 2,743 times.  

I've got to find myself something to do while they are in school.  I cannot spend 4 hours a day watching Jerry Springer or I will lose my mind and possibly start talking with a southern accent.  And that would be tragic.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh, so much to say ... but the most important of all ... what do you mean START talking with a southern accent?

Join a gym and find a mom's time out to take Skylar to so that you can really enjoy some time ALONE!!