12 April 2006

Hunting Easter Eggs. Again.

Today some of the classes from Haley's Joy School Preschool went to Myrtlewood Estates to have an Easter Egg hunt. I went along as a driver; Ellie and Maddison rode with Haley and me. The actual hunt lasted all of about 5 minutes, and Haley rounded up 10 eggs. She also put on a much more Happy! and Excited! face than she did at the Battalion hunt.

Haley's hunting skills are vastly improved, as she can find eggs with her eyes closed.

Here is Haley's class with the Easter Bunny. I must say that some of the children were not Happy! and Excited! at all about the Easter Bunny being present, and they did not want to get their picture made with him. So the class stood bunched up at the edge of the sidewalk while Miss Terrill tried to persuade them that they should stand by the bunny for me to take a picture.

There was protesting pretty much all around, but then Haley took it upon herself to let the class know there was really nothing to be afraid of... "It's not a real Easter Bunny, it's only someone dressed up like the Easter Bunny...probably a girl, because I can tell she has boobs...bunnies don't have boobs on their stomach, so it must just be someone dressed up."

No one said anything as all the 5 year olds studied the Easter Bunny.

As you can see, Haley got through to them, as every child from her class is in the picture. What a proud, proud day for me!
(L-R) Brook, Miss Terrill, Jacob, Camron, Madie-Claire, um, the Easter Bunny, Ellie, George, Maddison, Annalise, Haley, Miguel.

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