24 April 2006

Owen goes shopping

Friday Nana and I went to the mall while the girls were at school. Amber was supposed to call us and meet up with us, but whatever! She was too lazy I guess. Anyway, while we were there we stopped into Victoria's Secret. I'm sure everyone knows that all their stuff is in drawers in there, and you look through the drawer with your size on the outside to pick out what you want. Mama and I were very seriously looking through a drawer of panties (5 for $25-are you kidding me? I'm totally buying them!) and we turned around and Owen had opened a drawer and was chucking panties over his shoulder as fast as he could get them out. After an embarrassed No No No I tried to put them back in but I have not attended the Victoria's Secret Panty Folding Course and I could not get them to fit back in the drawer. I tried in vain for about 10 seconds before we decided to cut out losses and get out of there with 5 pairs of panties and some soft shorts.

Moral: Owen makes shopping fun and interesting!

Owen insisted on carrying the bag through the mall. It was a small bag, and I guess he figured it was just his size. Everyone laughed and pointed at the cute little boy carrying the VS bag. Owen, who is a ham, totally ate it up.


Becky said...

Do little boys learn to do this in the womb? Patrick did the same thing when Luke took him Christmas shopping, except Patrick put the panties on his head.
Owen is super-cute...he's really growing up.

Anonymous said...

Hey it's Uncle Tom....Go Owen, Go Owen. You are my hero. Do it while you can. If I did it I wouldn't be cute, I would be in trouble! Love ya'll

Anonymous said...

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