09 August 2007

I've found La-La Land

Today we went to the PX to buy Scott a new alarm clock. Every 6 months or so he builds up a tolerance to the buzzers and they begin to fail to wake him up. So he is late for/missing P.T. This morning I was awakened at 5:59 to a stream of obscenities that would have made Dana White proud. Time for a new clock!!

While at the PX Haley said we should check for Ashlyn's spiral notebook that CAN NOT HAVE PERFORATED EDGES. This PX is so crappy it's not even funny but I'm always game for anything so I agreed and lo and behold there they were. I spotted them immediately, as they had a golden beam of light from heaven shining right on the front of them. And right beside them? None other than THE FOLDERS FOR CHASE! Right there, glowing with the fairy dust of a thousand fairies, who then flew over and kissed me square on the mouth.

It did not beat me. It had me down, but I fought and I persevered. I am the champion. The champion of school supplies.


Amy said...

One day I got mad at Brian in front of the kids and couldn't say every word I wanted to say so instead of bleeping I used "Dana White" ... for example, "What the DANA WHITE are you talking about?" I thought I was so funny and clever. Unfortunately so did Chase because he understood what I meant, and then explained it to Kenny.

Amy said...

And thanks for the tip on the folders. We're going to La La Land today.