09 August 2007

Where's the Beef?

Scott came home from work saying that one of his soldiers was moving to another duty station and had cleaned out his freezer and brought in some meat. When someone mentions "meat" to me, I think of beef. So let's all take a second so I can think again.

Just so I am certain you understand what you are looking at:
1. Wild game uncooked sausage
2. Deer hamburger meat
3. Wild game uncooked sausage

Questions anyone? Because I have a few. Firstly, what is wild game sausage? Sausage is pork, right? So is this from wild pigs? Like the wild pigs that used to chase us down our sidewalk in Hawaii? Oh. Nope, I'm not eating that.
4. Elk steak
5. Elk hamburger meat
6. Deer butterfly steak
7. Deer hamburger meat

Questions? Here are mine: Elk? Really? The other, other white meat? How do you cook elk? Amy looked it up on allrecipes.com. Guess how many recipes there are for elk! TWO! One for elk chili and one for elk chili. Oh, and if you don't like elk chili you're screwed. My second question has to do with the deer butterfly steaks. How do you pluralize the word "butterfly"? Yeah, that's what I thought too. These three speak for themselves; I am horrified nonetheless. Wild game jalapeno cheese sausage and regular wild game sausage.
I spoke with my uncle earlier tonight. He lives on a farm and hunts, hunts for and shoots pretty deer that he then hangs on his walls. He is the type of person that when you start speaking of deer meat and elk meat and whatnot his voice gets all wistful, like "Please oh please invite me to dinner!" and I knew he would know what to do with this type of "meat".

He was helpful-- Make chili. Make spaghetti. Oh, the steaks are going to be gooooood, maybe marinate them a little. --- And when I got to the wild game jalepeno cheese sausage he kind of murmured Wow and then I actually heard his mouth start watering.

I am now offering dinner invites to each and all of you. Come one, come all, and please eat this stuff so I don't have to.


lucinda said...

GROSS! Joel is always trying to get me to eat Deer meat and I absolutely refuse to do so. I can not eat bambi and besides, I prefer to not think about the origin of meat. For instance, if it were called a Cow burger or a BBQ Pig sandwich, I'd probably pass. SO the thought of Deer or Elk just makes me gag! If you eat it, You are a much better wife than I am.

Chris said...

yeah, good luck with that!