27 August 2007

The continual depletion of my Lasik fund

I have a Lasik fund. I have talked about this before here and here and here and here and here.

Since we've been back from vacation I've been trying to be vigilant with my Lasik fund. What I do is everytime I go to the commissary and spend money on groceries, I put whatever extra amount necessary to get to the next number evenly divisible by 10 into my savings account. Karin? You with me? I didn't think so. Example: If I spend 112.78 I put 7.22 in my savings. For every other purchase I make I put whatever extra amount necessary to get to the next number evenly divisible by 5. So if I spend, say, 17.33 I put 2.67 in my savings. (which is a wonderful way to save money by the way because it doesn't seem like a lot but it adds up fast) Also, with it being summer I've not been driving as much and I've not needed as much gas for the car so every other week or so I would put what I normally spend on gas into the account. I also put money in there from the stuff I sell on ebay, which has turned out to be a lot of stuff other people want to pay me a lot of money for.

To wrap up all the technical stuff, I had several hundred dollars in the account. And yesterday I spent it. Again.

But is was a deal. A heck of a deal. It's just like my dad's so I already know how to use it and that it's awesome and that I'm going to love it.

And it will be here Wednesday!!

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