28 August 2007

Owen's first day of school

Today was Owen's first day of preschool. He did great! He was not clingy at all but walked right in and started playing with the toys. When I picked him up he didn't want to leave!

We talked about what he did at school and he said they had circle time, lunch, outside playtime and computer time. He's also walking around singing some song about a rainbow.

So this morning Scott left with the girls and Skylar and I took Owen (but Scott will take him from now on). Skylar and I came back home and she played in her exersaucer while I did the elliptical for a while. Then she went to sleep, I took a shower, and I had something like another 2 hours before she woke up. It was sooo quiet. I cleaned up the house a little, checked out the internet for news, checked some blogs, had a quiet lunch.... It was the BEST DAY EVER!

1 comment:

The Cromer Family said...

I hope you enjoyed it. Its nothing like a little quiet time to yourself. Which comes few and far these days when you have little ones. Its a 365 days a year job & 24/7 a week. Very few quiet moments. I'm glad Owen loved preschool. I knew he would. I'm sure it gives everyone a break too.