18 May 2006

The Gazillion Bubble Machine

Wednesday while Haley was at school Owen and I went grocery shopping at hell-on-earth. I had to get some more shampoo, and to get to the hair product row we had to walk past the bubble blowing row. Owen loves bubbles and frankly I am tired of blowing them with the little wand thingy, so we got him a toy-The Gazillion Bubble Machine. Let me start by saying this is one of the best toys we own. Let me add that gazillion is an understatement. I am amazed at the amount of bubbles this thing puts out. I mean, a gazillion is a lot, but I'm pretty sure we passed that in the first ten minutes. If you don't have one of these little gems and you have small children, you definitely need to get one.
*not intended for use around cats as they get really agitated by the falling bubbles...dogs are fine


Becky said...

Huh. I think I may have to get this thing.

The Cromer Family said...

Love it! Does it run by power or batteries? I'll have to get one. Thanks!

Becky said...

P.S. I love Wally World. I live for my daily trips there...sad, I know, but alas, it's the reality of my life...