17 March 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Ten years ago today Scott and I went out on our first date. The next day a friend and I drove to Po-dunk-ville, Alabama to watch him play in a baseball game. On the way home we drove with the windows down singing at the top of our lungs. For the next 8 days I had laryngitis and couldn't make a single peep. By the time I actually started talking, Scott was hooked. In hindsight, my lost voice was probably a godsend-ha ha! It is also proof that Scott fell for my incredible good looks (ha!), not my personality or my ability to carry on a decent conversation.

Here is a picture taken shortly after we started dating, in May I think, at my college graduation...yes, surprise!, I am a college graduate, I just play a dummy on t.v.

This was taken today, by Ashlyn, our budding photographer. You'll notice that we are pretty much the same as we were 10 years ago, except that Scott is much skinnier, I am much fatter, and we have a bunch more people living with us.

Here are the above mentioned people who now mess up our house on a daily basis and who will not leave, no matter how mean we are to them. Note the cats and dog engaging in a stare-down. It was quite a feat to get everyone on the same couch!

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