28 March 2006

We love puzzles!

Owen loves these wooden puzzles. He will work them over and over all day long. After he finishes each one we clap and cheer and make sure everyone in the house gets to see it and then we start again. They have a little wooden box that they all slide into to keep them out of the floor. All in all, I think this is a super gift to give someone. You can see more about it here (these are not the exact puzzles Owen has, but it's the same idea). They have a 6 pack at ToysRUs.com---his birthday is coming up soon---hint! hint!

These puzzles were a gift for Owen on his 1st birthday from Carol. I will keep these puzzles in my cedar chest forever, long after Owen outgrows them.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Patrick has those same pants that O is wearing in the pics!