23 March 2006

The NCAA Tournament

As of right now, my father is on his way to Hotlanta to watch some of the NCAA tournament. To be exact, he will watch the Duke-LSU game and the Texas-West Virginia game. Everybody say it with me: BUM! NO FAIR! OUR LIFE SUCKS! He will also be going back on Saturday to the finals. One more time people: BUM! NO FAIR! OUR LIFE SUCKS!

The thing that really kills me is that he never has to work hard for any of this. Opportunities just fall right into his lap all the time. Hey Jim, want to go play golf in Augusta? (can anybody say Masters?) Hey Jim, take this fantastically expensive gas barbeque grill for your back porch and just give us a shout out on the radio. Hey Jim, want to go see a couple of basketball games with me...you know, the NCAA tournament games? Hmmm...maybe he's being rewarded for being such a good person...I don't know if you've heard, but his is bringing us his awesome tv that he no longer uses. In return I will not cook anything chicken for him-ever. It will be all beef, all the time. Ashlyn and Haley can't wait for the tv!! We've told them all about it! They will get so much use out of it and I can't even imagine how much more Owen will learn from his Baby Einstein movies watching them on that huge screen! HA!

So, Pops, hope you have an absolute blast at the games (read sarcastically). If you have an extra moment give us little people a thought. Maybe you could even spread a little of your pixie dust around...

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